Direct debit information

A Direct Debit arrangement will allow you to make regular payments in advance towards your Rates or Water Usage Notice. Payments can be debited from your savings or cheque account weekly, fortnightly, monthly (Rates only) or in full.

Please note compound interest at the rate determined by Council is accrued on all rates and charges which remain unpaid after the due date.

Establish a new Direct Debit arrangement

Firstly, ensure that:

Direct Debit request form

NOTE: Please complete a new form for each property for which you wish to establish a direct debit arrangement.

Alter, defer or cancel a Direct Debit arrangement

You may defer, alter or suspend your Direct Debit at anytime by submitting a:

Alternatively, you can download and print the Direct Debit Request form ( PDF, 1.11 MB ). If you are unable to print the form, please phone Customer Service on 1300 69 22 47 to request a copy to be mailed to you.

Note: Council requires five (5) working days notice prior to the next debit date for a deferment or amendment. Cancellations may be submitted on the day providing the payment has not already been extracted.

For help with these forms or for any questions about Direct Debit, please contact Customer Service on 1300 69 22 47.

Direct Debit Service Agreement

1. Debiting your account

By signing a direct debit request you authorise Cairns Regional Council to arrange for funds to be debited from your nominated account. Cairns Regional Council will debit your account in accordance with the terms below.

Council will only debit your account in accordance with your direct debit request.

If the payment date falls on a non-business day, the withdrawal from your nominated account will occur on the following business day

2. Variation by Council

Cairns Regional Council may vary the details of this agreement or your direct debit request at any time by giving you at least fourteen (14) days written notice. For example, if it becomes necessary to amend your rate or water account and Council cancels your original account and issues a new account, Council may vary your direct debit request to permit the debit of a revised sum, or revised timing for payment.

3. Variation by You

It may take up to five (5) working days to defer or make changes to existing direct debits. It is advised that these are submitted to Council five (5) working days prior to the next debit date. This can be done by completing a Cancellation/Deferment form or a Direct Debit Amendment form. You can obtain these forms from Council’s website , by emailing or calling customer service on 1300 692 247.

4. Your Obligations
5. Insufficient Clear Funds

If there are insufficient clear funds in your account to meet your payment:

6. Disputes

If you believe there has been an error in debiting your account you should advise Council via telephone (07) 4044 3577 and also confirm the matter with us in writing as soon as possible.

If it is found that your account has been incorrectly debited to your detriment, Council will arrange for your account to be reimbursed with the balance between the error and the correct amount. Council will notify you in writing, the amount of which has been credited and the reason and any evidence as why it has occurred.

If you are not satisfied with Council’s resolution of the dispute, you can refer the matter to your financial institution who will inform you of the details of the claims process and lodge a customer claim form.

If the matter is still unable to be satisfactorily resolved, your financial institution may refer the matter to the Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) Management Committee for resolution.

7. Privacy

The direct debit request form requires you to provide certain personal information for Council’s collection. Council will use your personal information for the purposes contemplated in this Direct Debit Service Agreement and on the direct debit request form. The use of your personal information will enable Council to provide you with a direct debit option for the payment of rates to Council.

Council will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information; however, Council may disclose your personal information to its financial institution, your financial institution or the Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) Management Committee if such information is requested to be provided in connection with a claim made relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit.

You should refer to Council’s privacy policy for further information relating to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by Council.

If you wish to update or view the information that we hold about you, please contact Council.

Direct Debit extract calendar

View dates below or download the Direct Debit extract calendar ( PDF, 0.14 MB ). Note: Where a scheduled extract falls on a public holiday, the extract will occur on the following business day.

Direct Debit codes

The following codes will appear on your Rates / Water notice



Last Updated: 15 August 2024