Apply For A Business License Mesa, Arizona

To operate a business in Mesa, you will need to have a Transaction Privilege and Use Tax application from the Mesa Licensing Office. You may either download the application from the City of Mesa website, or you can request one in person at 55 North Center Street in Mesa. If your business is located in a commercial location, you will also need to fill out a commercial locations form. If you plan to operate a home based business, you will fill out a residential business locations form. You will need to file a Mesa licensing eligibility form in addition to your Transaction Privilege and Use Tax license application, which requires you to provide documents which confirm your citizenship or eligibility to operate business in the United States. Some such documents could include a US passport, a US certificate of naturalization, a bureau of Indian affairs affidavit, etc. All forms to complete your Transaction Privilege and Use Tax application can be printed from the City of Mesa website.

Do you have all the necessary information for a Mesa Transaction Privilege and Use Tax license?

You will need to have information specific to your business in order to complete your application, and some of that information includes having a name for your business, information on all owners of your business, social security numbers for all owners, a physical and mailing address for your business and yourself. The ownership type of your business needs to be given, whether you are single owner, part of a corporation, a limited partnership, a LLC or a partnership. All phone numbers for yourself and your business need to be provided, including a corporate phone if applicable.

You will need to choose your business type from a list of several types, some of which include telecommunications, manufacturing, retail, restaurant, etc. Provide the number of employees, a description of your business activities, and the method you will be using to submit reports. If you do not own your business property, you will need to submit contact information regarding your landlord or property manager. When you complete your application, you will need to sign it to denote that you have provided only true and accurate information, and that you will pay all taxes due to the City of Mesa in a timely manner.

Be certain that the previous owner of your business has paid all of their taxes or you may be liable to pay them (successors liability). If you are operating a commercial business, information will be needed to file a commercial business locations form. Some information includes a brief description of your business activities, whether you will store materials and equipment at your business location, whether you will have onsite visits from customers, the address of your business and the business name. You will need to file this form in addition to your transaction privilege & use tax license application, and you will need to provide a signature stating that you will be in compliance with all codes and that you have contacted the Building Safety Department to discuss your business location.

The department can be reached by calling (480) 644-4273. If you are going to be operating a home business, there is a residential business locations form that need to be submitted which is a series of six ‘yes or no’ questions that pertain to the business activities which will be conducted at your home.

Will you need other Mesa licenses or permits?

Many businesses are required to apply for additional permits and licenses to operate in compliance with all local, state and/or federal regulations and codes. For instance, if you plan to serve alcohol as part of your business activities, you will need to obtain a liquor license. If your business activities are massage-related, adult-oriented, vending, etc., you will need to apply for a specialty license. Contact the Tax and Licensing Office at (480) 644-2316 to discuss any additional licenses or permits you may need to operate your business.

Who should you contact for more information?

If you need more information, you may contact the Tax and Licensing Office at (480) 644-2316, or if you wish, visit the office in person at 55 North Center Street in Mesa. Office business hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The office is closed on Fridays. You may want to explore the the City of Mesa website for information about opening a business in Mesa, Arizona.

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