Camping is the greatest tradition of Scouting, and is one of the eagle required merit badges. For some scouts, their only way of escaping a manicured, high-stress, technological world is a weekend with their troop. To make such outings successful, this merit badge presents the very broad set of skills needed to experience great campouts, including planning, minimizing impact, navigation, proper clothing, tent use, sanitation, firebuilding, and cooking. That's quite a list which means this badge requires serious effort to complete.
After learning about all the skills, requirement #9 is the big one - actually camping for a total of 20 nights. This requirement (specifically #9a) is also the one that gets the most discussion so please read more about it in the Resources area below. This merit badge promotes participation with a patrol on weekend campouts rather than long-term or high adventure treks. Most scouts should have this merit badge complete before being old enough to participate in high adventures.
As one of the eagle-required merit badges, Camping ranks high in popularity at position 13 with about 48,000 badges being awarded annually. Due to the pandemic, Camping took a big hit in completion numbers in the past two summers since it requires planned troop campouts.
Revised January, 2024
Hints for Camping Merit Badge
Terminology for the Camping Merit Badge
Resources for Camping Merit Badge
Two Bryan on Scouting blog posts about Camping merit badge are here and here.
See my general First Aid Skills page for requirement #1.
Review the Seven Leave No Trace principles and the Outdoor Code
ScoutLife has a Warm weather Gear List and a Cold weather Gear List that you can compare to REI's Gear Checklist
Some other merit badges in the Camping Skills theme include: Backpacking, Cooking, Hiking, Pioneering, and Wilderness Survival. You might check them out if you found the Camping merit badge interesting.
Comments:Mar 13, 2014 - karen melby teerlink
9a is ambiguous. In the notes it says "All" camps count. In the body of the text it says you can apply on week long scout camp. I feel that statement contradicts the other. So my specific question is: Can you use a organized week long scout camp in one year and then in the following year, also? thanks Karen
Mar 13, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Karen - The answer to your question is "No". The note is there to emphasize that camping done before the scout got his blue card should still be counted.
Apr 01, 2014 - Gerardo Guerrero
Every time we go camping to work on the cooking, hiking, etc. merit badges, do these camp trips count for the camping merit badge .
Apr 01, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Gerardo - Yes, as long as they match the 9a requirement.Apr 03, 2014 - Tracey
So if you have been to three week long scout camps you can only count 6 days? You are still camping each of those times. Shouldn't they count for a few days?
Apr 03, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Tracey - That is correct. Only one of the long-term camps can count for up to 6 nights. The rest are not counted.
Apr 13, 2014 - mike
A Scout had been inactive for the last few years and has a week or so before turning 18 looking to get his camping merit badge and thus his Eagle badge. He lacks quite a number of the camping nights. One of the committee members is looking to push through "camping nights" at home in his living room to satisfy his retirements, bypassing the traditional camping merit badge counselor. We are most upset that this is an inactive scout who is being allowed to set aside the requirements for this badge. Any ideas on what should be done? Call the district? Two of us are sadly looking to step down as committee members due to this type of behavior. Other scouts then suffer. What to do?
Apr 13, 2014 - Yukon Jack
@ Mike. WOW, that is a flagrant violation of the requirements, rules, and spirit of scouting. Bottom line, it sounds like this scout won't get Eagle. and shouldn't. Your best recourse is to solve the issue in house. If only one committee member is trying this, then simply overrule him. Has this scout done his Eagle project? Something like this has to pass muster at the district/council level and if you have to, simply inform the District Advancement Committee of how the Camping MB was "earned" and they will stop the Eagle Application right there. If you can't make the one adult see how they're blatantly cheating, then go above their head to district/council where there WILL be scouters who will protect the integrity of the Eagle Rank.
Apr 13, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@mike - That situation sounds terrible to me. A merit badge MUST be signed off by an authorized merit badge counselor, approved by the council. If I were you, I would quickly let the Scoutmaster know about the rumor I had heard to find out what the actual situation is from his (or her) viewpoint. If he confirms what was described, then I would ask him how he planned to prevent it from happening. If he is supporting it, I would ask him for the name of the merit badge counselor and let him know I am contacting the district advancement chair. After informing the scoutmaster and district advancement chair of the situation, that would be the end of my involvement. It's the counselor's responsibility to uphold the requirements. It's the advancement chair's responsibility to ensure counselors are fulfilling their role. Maybe some other readers would have other suggestions?
May 04, 2014 - Betty Woodward
Do all the nights have to be with organized scout activities? Can camping outdoors as a family count?
May 05, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Betty - Yes, requirement 9a states ". at designated Scouting activities or events." No, camping with the family doesn't count.
Jun 01, 2014 - Sirena
My son is going to Camp chawanakee for the first this is his first time camping with the troop. Does this count as only one outing/overnight?
Jun 01, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Sirena - If it is a long term camp, rather than a weekend camp, he can use it for up to 6 nights of camping for requirement 9a. That is true if he sleeps in a tent, not in a cabin. It would count as the one long-term camp he can apply towards this merit badge. The rest of his camping needs to be short-term campouts, such as weekend campouts with his troop.
Jun 24, 2014 - Roxanne Coffey
9A seems open to interpretation to me. My son has attended camporee and summer camps for an actual total of 34 nights. He has camped with the troop for an additional total of 16 nights (1 or 2 nights each). So 50 nights so far. but if extended camps only count for 6 nights and the other times to camp count as zero and our merit badge councilor only counts one night per trip for the others he has only 16 nights. which is crazy. Given that it says that all campouts may count, my interpretation is that one of the longer camps counts for 6 nights and then he has to go for 14 more campouts if each only count for 1 night. My frustration is that other boys in the troop with a different councilor are counting all the nights for each short trip. and in some cases counting summer camp as 1 night. He is 17 and we are running out of time -- is there anyone we can appeal this to? They don't want him to do an Eagle project till all badges are done.
Jun 24, 2014 - Roxanne Coffey
He is now a senior and if they only go on one trip per month starting in Sept. (since summer camp doesn't count at all after the first one) and assuming he can go on all of them and none are cancelled, and they do one in December (which they normally don't) that puts him done in February which gives him 1 month for his Eagle project since his birthday is in April. and that seems crazy.
Jun 24, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Roxanne - 1. There is no requirement that all merit badges be complete before starting an Eagle project. 2. Each night of weekend campouts should be counted. If a scout sleeps out Friday and Saturday night, that's 2 nights. 3. If your son camped 16 nights on weekend campouts, in a manner that meets requirement #9, and 6 nights at a single long-term camp, then he's done 22 nights - that is enough. Your son can list dates and all the nights he's camped and discuss that with his counselor to show that he's met the requirement. Or, he can find a different counselor for the merit badge.
Jul 03, 2014 - Roxanne Coffey
If he switches counselors does that mean he has to redo all of the requirements? Thanks!Jul 03, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Roxanne - That does not happen very often. Usually, a counselor will accept previously completed requirements. Your son will probably just need to show that he completed them.
Jul 04, 2014 - Nola
@ Roxanne, if your son has his blue card and the parts that have been completed are signed by one counselor, a new counselor can not make him re-do those requirements. Some boys take several years and thus different counselors at times (especially ones started at camp) to complete a Merit Badge. If the new counselor doesn't accept the signed work find another one and report to District Advancement Chair.
Jul 09, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Nola - Please see section of Merit Badge Program page at where it states this about partial completions: "A subsequent counselor may choose not to accept partial work, but this should be rare." As a MB Counselor, when I sign the cards, I'm stating that I believe all the requirements have been completed.
Jul 15, 2014 - Benjamin
I think I know the answer here but just in case here it is-Do nights camping as a den chief with the scouts assigned cub den count towards this MB requirement? I do not think he will need the nights but it could get him done a lot faster as our CS pack camps as much as our troop during the summer months.
Aug 21, 2014 - Anthony
Do only nights slept in tents and on the grond count or do events in lean tos count as well. Since tents prepared at scout camps do, it seems logical that leN to stays should as well.
Aug 21, 2014 - Anthony
Do only nights slept in tents and on the grond count or do events in lean tos count as well. Since tents prepared at scout camps do, it seems logical that leN to stays should as well.
Sep 03, 2014 - Roxanne Coffey
We are still stuck on this requirement. My son has spent over 60 nights camping. on 18 different occasions all as boy scout none of these while cub. The counselor agrees that he has completed all other requirements but is now interpreting this as the number of camping trips not nights. This does not include O. of A. trips. Do those count? This is the only person in our troop that does Camping merit badge. I'm wondering if this is some kind of test to see if my son will stand up to this person or if he really doesn't understand the requirement.
Sep 03, 2014 - Roxanne Coffey
The other counselor for Camping stopped being counselor since he didn't interpret the wording the same way. I really feel this needs to be clarified in the scouting merit badge handbook with an example of what counts and what doesn't!
Sep 03, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Roxanne - Wow, I feel your frustration! A Boy Scout camping with the Order of the Arrow, sleeping outside under the stars or in a tent the scout pitched, DOES count. I've never heard of counting only 'trips' rather than 'nights' - your son can just show the counselor the requirement where it says 'NIGHTS'. Your son can use a counselor outside of your troop. He can contact the district advancement chair and ask for other Camping counselors. I'm sending you an email also, in case you have more to share privately.
Jan 08, 2015 - Jenn
I have a question about 9c: Must the conservation project be done on a campout? I have always interpreted this as yes, but the wording is ambiguous and scouts and parents are confused. Thanks!
Jan 08, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Jenn - 9a and 9b specifically mention camping so I would say that the 9c conservation project can be done outside of a camping trip. I had 6 scouts help build part of the North Country Nat'l Scenic Trail through northern MN as their project, while they camped 3 nights. That was a fun outing!
Jan 11, 2015 - Melanie Colston
I have a question about 9a. My son went to summer camp for 5 nights two years in a row. I know only one long term camping trip (up to 6 nights) counts. So his first trip counts for 5 nights. Can we count one night out of the 5 for the subsequent year?
Jan 13, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Melanie - No, you may not count nights from two summer camps.Jan 15, 2015 - Cliff
I need an explanation as to why each night at a weekend camp counts but you get absolutely no credit for summer camps beyond the one time. Is this to ensure participation? Further if a scout has completed requirements of the merit badge before the issuance of the blue card, do the requirments have to be repeated? Who is responsible for starting the card, the scout or the leader?
Jan 15, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Cliff - Lots of questions. The answer to "WHY" is because that is how the merit badge requirements are written by the BSA. That is true for every merit badge. The group of people that defined these requirements felt that one summer camp was enough and the other camping nights should come from other camping experiences. All scout campouts done while registered as a scout may be counted, even those done before starting this merit badge, if the scout can convince his merit badge counselor that he participated in appropriate camping outings. The scout is responsible for his own advancement, including starting merit badges.
Jan 16, 2015 - Daron
Here's an article in Scouting magazine that precisely answers the question about camping nights: So basically if you camp fewer than 5 nights then you can count all of the nights, every time. If you camp 5 nights or more than you can only count it once as a long-term camp
Jan 16, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Daron - Your statement about counting everything fewer than 5 nights is incorrect. In the last bullet on that page you referenced, it also points this out. A scout going to 5 summer camps and spending 4 nights at each one does not fulfill the requirement.
Jan 20, 2015 - Cliff
Thank you for your response but I would have to agree to disagree on the responsibility of the issuance of the the the card for advancement particularly one such as camping where the participation of the adult leader or counselor is such an integral part. In my mind the camping card should be initiated the scouts very first camp outing and if a 12 year old or his parent(s)does not have the foresight to realize that it is the opportunity to begin there is a responsibility as an counselor with this knowledge to convey it. Unfortunately turnover in our leadership has revealed that this was a selective endeavor and we now have scouts that began camping three years ago attending most rendezvous and summer camps without records of participation while others that started the same time show the badge completed This vacuum in leadership has led to new counselors that are of the opinion that those scouts without documents will have to start a new. This has left some questioning their future
Jan 20, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Cliff - On Intro to Merit Badges (and other BSA pages), the merit badge process starts by a scout picking a subject of interest, and then getting a blue card from his leader. A merit badge counselor is a resource to be contacted by the scout, not to initiate the interaction. Camping done with his troop, but before starting the Camping merit badge, can be counted by a scout. There is an area in every Scout Handbook for a scout to record his camping experiences.
May 20, 2015 - Steve
I have a question about 9.b. - do the two activities (from those listed) need to be on the same campout? For example, we have done an overnight snow camping trip and are planning a 5 mile kayak trip with two nights of camping. Do these two trips combined satisfy 9.b., or should we plan a hike that gains at least 1000' of elevation and do that on our kayak trip? Thanks.
May 20, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Steve - They can be separate campouts. Your plan sounds fine.May 25, 2015 - Sue
Re: 8D. My son has cooked for his all off his advancements (currently a Star rank), and has completed his cooking merit badge. Can any of those cooking experiences count towards this badge?
May 25, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Sue - Your son could certainly ask his Camping merit badge counselor about that. If the meals meet the requirement, then it's up to his counselor to accept that he did them or not.
Personally, I would prefer to see the scout's skills in action and ask him to do the meals specifically for this requirement.
Jun 14, 2015 - Kathy
Why does our Troop keep telling the Scouts that the Merit Badge requires 20 Campouts? They don't tell them it's 20 nights. Can the Troop do that and enforce that as a requirement?
Jun 14, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Kathy - The 'Troop' doesn't have any say in the requirements for a merit badge. A merit badge is done between a scout and a merit badge counselor.
And, a merit badge counselor should not change the requirements, such as requiring 20 campouts when the requirement specifically requires 20 nights.
Jul 15, 2015 - Joe
A 4 night camping trip is counted as short-term camping, so shouldn't a 4-night "eagle" week at a scout camp (designed as 4 nights, not 5) count in addition to a regular 6-night camp week with your troop? For a total of 10 days?
Jul 17, 2015 - Scout
What counts as a conservation project? I have helped with many Eagle Scout projects involving planting and gardening. Would that count?
Jul 19, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Joe - No, the second 'short' week should not be counted.Jul 19, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Scout - It is up to your merit badge counselor to decide how much and what sort of effort constitutes a conservation project. It may be as simple as picking up litter, or more involved like planting native trees.
Jul 22, 2015 - Joe
There seem to be definitions for short-term camping and long- term camping:
short-term camping = A camping experience consisting of one to four days and at least one night outdoors.
long-term camping = A camping experience consisting of five or more consecutive days and nights in the outdoors.
If a 4-night camp is too long, then is a 3-night camp acceptable? What makes 2, 3, or 4 more or less valid?
Jul 22, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Joe - You might read this page for more info from a member of the BSA Advancement team, especially the last listed 'key point'.
Jul 24, 2015 - James Michael
If a scout goes on a two night camp-out does this count as two nights for the camping merit badge?
Thanks -- James Michael
Jul 24, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@James - The requirement states "Camp a total of at least 20 nights. ". If a scout camps out two nights, then that counts as two nights.
Jul 28, 2015 - Joe
"As a workaround they suggest they will send their son to summer camp, but then take him home after four nights so the experience will not count as a long-term camp. This doesn�t fulfill the requirement."
There are programs at council-run boy scout summer camps that run for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 nights. Obviously the 5-7 would count as either 5 or 6 nights long- term camping (assuming tents or open sky), but which of these programs would count toward the short-term portion of the 20 nights? 1-4 nights? 1-3 nights? 1-2 nights? Where is the cutoff and why?
Jul 28, 2015 - James Michael
I am assuming that a 4 night, 3 night, 2 night, and 1 night camp-out is a short term cam-out and the 4, 3, 2, and 1 nights would count toward the required 20 nights?
Jul 28, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Joe - I believe the reasoning for the limitation to a single summer camp experience is to promote camping with the scout's troop. People from BSA National have stated that the campouts, other than the one summer camp experience, are "normally weekend troop campouts".
@James - Yes, that makes sense to me.
Aug 04, 2015 - Migueld
So if a Scout goes to 2 summer camps for a week and he earns 7 nights credit. He then totally gets 0 on the second? Not even 1 night credit? What if a scout takes Wilderness Survival or Astronomy merit badge at summer camp?
Aug 04, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Migueld - 1: He can only earn up to 6 nights from a summer camp.
2: No nights from the second summer camp.
3: It is irrelevant what merit badge he takes at summer camp.
Aug 30, 2015 - David
For requirement 9b, if a Scout attends a 3-day / 2-night camping trip and participates on a whitewater rafting trip of 6 miles during the second day of the camping trip, does this satisfy requirement 9.b.4 - non-motorized trip on the water of at least four hours or 5 miles?
Aug 31, 2015 - Scouter Joe
@David It would fulfill the requirementSep 04, 2015 - Scout Mom
I have a question. Requirement 9b states do 2 of a list of items. #5 says:
Plan and carry out an overnight snow camping experience.
1 - Did this used to say a 'winter' campout? I don't remember the 'snow' requirement with my 1st son (now Eagle).
2 - Does going on a troop campout where you planned and packed your own gear for snow count? What else is required to make an overnight camping experience be a 'snow' camping experience?
Sep 08, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@ScoutMom - 1. the requirements were changed quite a bit in 2006.
2. As the MB counselor, I would expect the scout to be able to explain what preparation in gear, food, safety, and activities were done particularly for this snow outing. I would also expect that there was snow already down before the outing.
Nov 14, 2015 - Joe Jones
Our Council has renovated the two area camps in the last couple of years, having put Adirondack bunks in the campsites replacing the old platform tents. In reqmt. 9a. it says a scout needs to sleep in a tent he has pitched and that if a camp provides the tent they don't have to. My question is if one spends the week at one of these camps in an open front bunkhouse, can it still count for the six nights of camping. Arguably the Council could have taken those opportunities away for scouters expecting their time there to count. Just looking for another opinion on this debate.
Nov 14, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Joe - That makes it difficult to fulfill the requirement, and I would not count those nights. I would expect there is open ground space around the bunkhouses where a scout could pitch his own tent, hammock, or ground sheet for the week.
You might ask the camp director what their view is.
See Bryan's Blog.
Feb 09, 2016 - Scout
On requirement 9a, could something not scout related but church related still work as a camped night?
Feb 09, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Scout - No, a church outing would not count.Mar 26, 2016 - Tom
Can anyone clarify what is meant by requirement 9b (5), which states: "Plan and carry out an overnight snow camping experience." Does this simply mean sleeping outside in the snow in a tent OR would the scout be required to build a snow shelter and sleep in that? OR does it mean something else entirely?
Mar 28, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Tom - Snow shelter or tent would be ok.May 22, 2016 - rick
we got a scout that transferred from another troop he only did four week long camps but his old scoutmaster gave him camping merit badge can I take it away since he didn't really earn it or is that a council thing?
Jun 18, 2016 - Alan Moss
Dear Scouter if out troop dos a 2 night camp about once a month, 4 night camps on some long weekends and a 5 night at summer camp, I understand that only 1 summer camp counts but dos the 4 nighters count?
Jun 20, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Alan - Yours is the first troop I've heard of that does weekend campouts on 'long' weekends because families usually make vacation plans for those long weekends. I've never met a troop that does any 4-night weekend campouts. But, if they are regular campouts where the scouts set up their tents, cook their food, and do 'scouting' activities, then it sounds like troop camping to me and could be counted.
Jul 24, 2016 - James Myers
Okay. I understand about counting only one of the two weeks extended "Summer camp" like at Camp Chawanakee, but what about a 6 days/5 night 58 mile trip up Mt. Whitney? Since the boy went to Summer Camp, does that mean that he does not get to count any of the Mt. Whitney trip? Also, the above reference to the Wilderness Survival MB was probably made since the boy had to build and sleep out in a shelter away from the camp. If our scout canoed across the lake and spent a night in a shelter he built, couldn't that mitigate the issue with "Summer camp?" Our Scout still has plenty of time but still curious.
Jul 31, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@James - He already got his 6 nights at summer camp so none of the Mt. Whitney nights should be counted.
Your hypothetical night in a shelter at summer camp is still summer camp and should be counted as part of that long-term experience.
This is not just my opinion - this is according to BSA national personnel. See the link in the Nov 14, 2015 comment above.
Sep 04, 2016 - Liz
For requirement 3 Make a written plan for an overnight trek and show how to get to your camping spot using a topographical map and compass OR a topographical map and a GPS receiver. If no GPS receiver unit is available, explain how to use one to get to your camping spot.
Does this have to be done on an actual campout or can this be satisfied in a meeting environment? It says show, can this be done in our meeting place or does it need to be done on an actual campout. Our next campout we will drive up to our camp site so our SM says this wouldn't count.
Sep 04, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Liz - The BSA says "If it says 'show or demonstrate,' that is what you must do. Just telling about it isn't enough."
So, in this case, the scout is supposed to make the plan, and actually demonstrate navigating his way to the campsite. If the troop is driving right to the campsite, that doesn't sound like there would be any opportunity to fulfill the requirement.
Sep 27, 2016 - Chris
Do nights spent in hammocks count toward req. 9a? I don't think they do but I want to know for sure before I go on my next campout
Sep 27, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Chris - If the scout set up his hammock outdoors on a camping trip, I'd count that the same as him setting up a tent, or a tarp, or a teepee, or a bivy, or no shelter at all. The idea here is that the scout is camping outdoors, not in a provided shelter.
Oct 12, 2016 - Bill
9a. remains confusing for many. My troop's interpretation has been very consistent with the guidance on this site, so thank you for the reinforcement. A question has come up on whether short- term camping with another troop counts toward the 9a. requirement. I have said yes, but that they do not fulfill the Tenderfoot - 1st Class camping/participation requirement because those specifically state being completed with your troop or patrol. I'd appreciate your thoughts regarding this interpretation. Thanks.
Mar 21, 2017 - Dave
If a scout counts nights camping for 2nd class and 1st class can he also count them towards camping merit badge?
Mar 21, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@Dave - Yes, as long as they match the 9a requirement.Jun 01, 2017 - Scoutmaster
My question pertains to the cooking, planning and duty roster requirements. I have been told by a few parents in the troop that a scout can use past work that was used for rank andvacment or other merit badges to fulfill requirements 4a, 4b & 8c & 8d.
I disagree, if the scout did those same requirements for a certian rank advacement or a merit badge the they should not be able to double dip. I agree though, if the scout did those activities as part of everyday patrol method as part of a camp out and did not use them for ranking up or a merit badge then I would agree to allow those activities to be counted.
I would appericate your input and interpretation on this.
THank you
Jun 03, 2017 - Scouter Jane
@Scoutmaster - Bryan's Blog had an article on this topic:
Can one activity fulfill two (or more) Scout requirements?
And some merit badges specifically say that they cannot be double-counted. For example, the cooking merit badge (2017) says:
"Note: The meals prepared for Cooking merit badge requirements 4, 5, and 6 will count only toward fulfilling those requirements and will not count toward rank advancement. Meals prepared for rank advancement may not count toward the Cooking merit badge. You must not repeat any menus for meals actually prepared or cooked in requirements 4, 5, and 6."
Jun 29, 2017 - donna
requirement 9B do you have to do them on a camp out. my son was looking to do the non motorized sport over the summer and already did a bike hike with his dad and recorded the dates
Jun 29, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@donna - Yes, the activities need to be done on Scouting events used in 9A.Jul 16, 2017 - Kimberly Schwartz
Question regarding Camping MB: Prerequisite for Summer Camp states that #11 should be done. there is no #11. Is it tied to the Backpacking #11 MB as they are a joint badge?
Jul 20, 2017 - Brian
On July 15, 2014, Benjamin asked a question about whether a boy scout camping with a cub pack can count these nights towards the camping MB, but it went unanswered. Does anybody have an opinion?
Jul 20, 2017 - Scouted Paul
@Brian - I would not count them because the prep, leading, and organization is done by adults in cub scouts. The boy scout is not participating in boy scout camping.
Jul 21, 2017 - Brian
I'll answer my own question regarding nights a Boy Scout camped with a Cub Scout Pack (as Den Chief):
I read several comments on another site that come down on both sides of the issue. One of my Assistant Scoutmasters called Irving, Texas. BSA National office told him that as long as the scout was Den Chief and the Camping MB Merit Badge Counselor approved, they were okay with allowing the nights to count towards the total.
Jul 21, 2017 - Brian
Thank you, Paul, for your comment. I tend to agree with you. I am still not comfortable with allowing it, even if he is Den Chief, which I forgot to mention in my earlier question. Cub camping is a different breed.
If BSA National says it's okay (as long as MB Counselor approves), then I'll go along, albeit somewhat reluctantly.
This scout is only 13, is close on his 20 nights, has up to four or five years to get those last few nights in and would get them soon without utilizing Cub Camp nights. I don't know what the rush is.
Jul 26, 2017 - Steve Byland
Sir, My son is trying to complete 9.b number 3. Taking a bike ride of at least 15 miles or at least 4 hrs. He is being told that half his patrol must do this or it doesn't count. He is completing his eagle project and ages out in 30 days. This is the only requirement holding him back. Does this sound right? Thank you for your time. Steve
Jul 31, 2017 - Scouted Paul
@Steve - "half the patrol" isn't mentioned anywhere in the requirements so that is pretty bogus. The activity needs to be done on a scouting campout though.
Sep 26, 2017 - Ann
All campouts since becoming a Boy Scout can be counted for 9a. Can activities done during the campouts in 9a be used to satisfy requirements for 9b, even though the scout didn't have the camping blue card at the time?
Sep 26, 2017 - Scouter Paul
@Ann - Yes. For the merit badge counselor to approve them, the activities should be verified just like verifying the nights of camping actually happened.
May 14, 2018 - Sue
If my son has friends in another troop and camps with their troop, can those night count towards his nights of camping, or does it have to be with his own troop?
May 14, 2018 - Scouter Paul
@Sue - Yes, they can count.Feb 07, 2019 - David
For 9b, do the "TWO of the following" have to be on the same campout? So five miles in canoe at a time when there's thick snow on the ground; or rappel downa 30-foot embankment to the waiting canoes; or climb a 1000-foot hill and camp in the snow at the top; or climb a 1000-foot mountain and rappel down a 30-foot cliff on the way back down?
Or can they be on two different campouts; maybe snow-camping in the winter, and canoeing or hiking into the campsite in summer?
Feb 09, 2019 - Jane
@David - Camping merit badge requirement #9.(b) says:
"On any of these camping experiences, you must do TWO of the following,only with proper preparation and under qualified supervision."
"[ANY] of these camping experiences" means they could be on the same campout or they could be on different campouts - either way is fine.
I would also note that requirement #9(b)(5). says:
"Plan and carry out an overnight snow camping experience."
Simply going camping when there is snow on the ground would not meet the requirements - the Scouts would need to actually plan and carry out an overnight snow camping experience.
Mar 27, 2019 - Lucas
For requirements 8c and 8d, can planning and cooking dehydrated meals as part of a backpacking trip count?
Mar 27, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Lucas - If I were the merit badge counselor, that would be fine with me. Requirement #8d says at least one meal must be a trail meal using a lightweight stove, but doesn't say they all can't use it.
Apr 08, 2019 - Dave Holt
With all respect to BSA, this requirement has issues. To prioritize car camping a bunch of times over a high adventure trip through Northern Tier or Philmont is ridiculous. The scout will learn far more from the high adventure trip about camping then they will ever learn car camping. I personally feel that high adventure trips should not be included in the "maximum 6 nights at a long term camp" clause and despite having read all of the explanations, can't see any good argument for it. Six nights max from summer camp is totally fine. No response needed. Just voicing my $0.02.
Nov 20, 2019 - Eric Fredrickson
My daughter has worked her way up to 10 scout camping nights so far, but one of them was spent in a snow cave she built herself. Would that count for the camping requirement? I feel like it certainly fulfils the spirit of the requirement. Building a snow cave is actually trickier than pitching a tent. (Not as forgiving of mistakes)
Nov 20, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Eric - I agree. If I was her merit badge counselor, I'd count it. Hammocks would count also. The idea is not sleeping in a cabin, shelter, RV, trailer, or other prebuilt protection.
Dec 01, 2019 - Marc
My son's troop goes together to a traditional summer camp. He got 6 nights there and has had additional weekend trips with the troop. In June, he attended NYLT for 6 nights. It is not a typical summer camp. They pitch tents, backpack, and change sleeping locations as well as carry in ingredients for and cook their planned meals. Would NYLT count in addition to summer camp?
Dec 02, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Marc - NYLT is a "long-term camping experience". So would any other BSA camp of similar duration. Only one of these long-term camping experiences should be counted.
Dec 12, 2019 - MeLinda
My daughter has her 6 nights from summer camp and took NYLT. However, NYLT here is broken into 2 weekends similar to Wood Badge. Friday to Sunday so 2 nights each weekend. Do these 4 extra nights count? Most people hear NYLT and say no since typically its a week straight.
Dec 13, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Melinda - If the NYLT experience was run like regular campouts where the scouts use tents, cook their food, and do 'scouting' activities, then it sounds like troop camping to me and could be counted.
Mar 10, 2020 - Bill
Scouter Paul, I sincerely appreciate your guidance on all merit badge procedures. I have gained a lot of information through these forums. I realize this thread is quite old and I hate to stir the pot a little more, But on the issue of requirement 9a I have to disagree with your interpretation of the requirement.
Having an asterisk preceding the statement of "one long-term camping experience" I am reading this statement as an example not as a limiter. The word "One", I feel, could be replaced with the word "A" as in "A long-term camping experience" which may be read as any long term camping trip. The limiting term of this statement is in the days counted, "up to six consecutive nights" not the word "One". If they intended that only one of these outings were to count they would have stated so by writing "ONLY one long-term camping experience" will count. If they are out sleeping under the stars with their group, I don't think I can see any justifiable reason not to credit them with the with the night.
Mar 10, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Bill - The asterisk in 9a refers to the preceding statement.
A reason for not crediting the night you mention is because the requirement specifically says to not credit it - even if it doesn't seem fair.
Mar 11, 2020 - Jane
I'm not seeing the asterisk in the 2020 Scout Requirements book. Could it be from an older version of the merit badge requirements?
Maybe they took it out because the note is not really necessary, because the Guide to Advancement says: "It is the counselor’s decision whether to accept work or activities completed prior to the issuing of the signed blue card. Common sense should prevail, however. For example, nights already camped as a Scout in Scouts BSA or as a qualified Venturer or Sea Scout, or coins or stamps already collected, would count toward their respective badges." and also "All merit badge requirements must be met while a registered Scout in Scouts BSA, or a qualified Venturer or Sea Scout. Accomplishments before joining, or while a Cub Scout, do not apply."
Back on topic: The BSA has given their interpretation at Bryan on Scouting's Ask the Expert (link in Scouter Paul's post above). A Scout has the option to use one long-term camping experience of up to six consecutive nights. One means one, so more than one long-term camping experience would not count for this merit badge.
Apr 10, 2020 - Jackie
For 9b2, my interpretation is that the backpacking of at least 4 miles is for a single event. Meaning that you cannot add a two mile trek to another 2 mile trek in order to meet the 4 mile requirement. Do you agree?
Apr 10, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Jackie - I agree with you. A scout could backpack in 2 miles, stay overnight, and backpack out 2 miles. But, a scout backpacking in 1/2 mile and out 1/2 mile each weekend for a month would not work.
Apr 10, 2020 - Jackie
I suppose my comment wasn’t entirely clear. Most of the 9b sub-items say “at least”. I was taking that to be for a single trekking event not an accumulation over even a single camp out. For example, I wouldn’t expect 3 reppels of 10 to count for 9b6. Therefore, I would think at least 4 miles is a minimum. It doesn’t say backpack for 4 miles.
Apr 10, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Jackie - I wouldn't expect three 10-foot rappels to count either. For the walking, bike riding, or watercraft trek I would count the distance or time covered on a single outing. If not, I could see someone possibly not counting a 4-mile backpack if it included a stop to sleep, to eat, to swim, to get a drink, . or any reason.
Apr 14, 2020 - Jackie
For 9b2, I just got a response back from a Certified Registrar at BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, CAPITOL AREA COUNCIL.
"I talked it over with another staff member, who also is a Scoutmaster, we believe it is four straight miles. That is our interpretation based on all other requirements in this and other merit badges and ranks."
Apr 14, 2020 - Jane
@Jackie - Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying, but when the BSA uses the term "hike", it is referring to the miles hiked on a single day. For example, the Hiking merit badge specifies that Scouts may stop for short rest periods or meals, but not overnight.
On the other hand, when the BSA uses the term backpacking, it usually refers to miles covered over the entire trek. So to backpack for at least 4 miles would mean 4 miles on a single trek (trip), but could be spread out over multiple days. Scouter Paul's example of a backpacking trip of 2 miles in, staying overnight, and 2 miles back out would be backpacking for a minimum of 4 miles on a single trek. Unlike hiking, the 4 miles do not all have to be done on the same day, but they do need to be done on the same trek. Compare with the Backpacking merit badge, where the mileage given is for the entire trek, not each day of the trek.
Apr 14, 2020 - Jackie
@Jane - Thanks for the extra feedback. I did go and review the Backpacking MB and interestingly there was a requirement that said: "9. Do the following: a. Write a plan that includes a schedule for a patrol/crew backpacking hike of at least 2 miles." . . . "e. While using the plan you developed for requirement 9a, carry your fully loaded pack to complete a hike of at least 2 miles." So, this seems to indicate a single hiking event with your backpack. There are other parts of the Backpacking MB that use the word trek for indicating the requirement could be completed over multiple days of the same camping trip.
So, at the very least, Camping 9b2 should be updated to add clarification.
May 11, 2020 - Jared Chapman
Does family camping at a BSA facility count for the camping merit badge during this COVID time?May 11, 2020 - Jane
@Jared Chapman - As a camping merit badge counselor, my first question would be: Was the family camping at the BSA facility done as part of "designated Scouting activities or events"?
The Scout should ask his or her camping merit badge counselor for guidance.
Jul 21, 2020 - Bill Sternhagen
Regarding Camping requirement 9.b(2). Would appreciate feedback on the term "backpack". Does this mean a full pack for an overnighter or daypack or possibly none?
When I read the other options, it seems the intent is not necessarily to bring/carry all gear. A five mile float is much easier than a 4 mile hike, especially if a full pack is required.
Thank you
Jul 22, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Bill - I believe "backpacking" should follow the normal use as in the Backpacking merit badge - that is carrying all your gear on your back, rather than base camping or car camping. 9.b(1) specifically uses "hike" so there appears to be an intended difference in the two requirements.
Jul 28, 2020 - Mayank - Life Scout
Hi, I have a question about 8d, While camping in the outdoors, cook at least one breakfast, one lunch,
and one dinner for your patrol from the meals you have planned for requirement 8c. At least one of those meals must be a trail meal requiring the use of
a lightweight stove.
Do I have to cook one meal while I am on the trail? Or can I cook all the meals in camp? Also, for the other 2 meals, if not a lightweight stove(I understand I can use a stove for all 3 meals), what alternatives could I use to cook the meals, meaning do they all have to be cooked using heat, or could it be something like a cold sandwich?
Jul 28, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Mayank - Since the requirement defines the kind of meal but not the location, I would have no problem with the "trail meal" being cooked in camp.
For the other meals, I believe that information is in the merit badge pamphlet which you should have and reference. There are many different ways to cook food - utensil-less, dutch oven, foil-wrapped, etc.
I interpret "cook" to mean using heat to make something inedible edible. For example, a hamburger or chicken breast, but not a hotdog or grilled cheese or cold sandwich.
Mar 14, 2021 - Henry
Regarding 4.a. Make a duty roster showing how your patrol is organized for an actual overnight campout. List assignments for each member.
If summer camp is actual camping - can a MB counselor have the scouts make duty rosters for how the patrols are organized for summer camp.
I know only 1 week will count towards camping nights. But would making the duty roster for the patrol count for 4.a.
Regarding 7.b. Pack your own gear and your share of the patrol equipment and food for proper carrying. Show that your pack is right for quickly getting what is needed first, and that it has been assembled properly for comfort, weight, balance, size, and neatness.
If they are backpacking most will be carrying all of their own gear. There is usually little to no troop gear. If the scouts are buddied up and each carries their own gear and one carries food the other the stove, fuel and water filter - distributing the weight equally - will this meet the requirement? Or does the food have to be divided and some type of patrol gear added if not needed?
Mar 15, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Henry - 4.a. Yes, the patrol is camping and the scout makes a duty roster. Sounds like it fulfills the requirement.
7.b. - Yes, the patrol's gear and food is one pile of stuff to be fairly divided between the scouts. It doesn't make sense to add gear that is not needed. I expect there may be other patrol gear besides cooking and water filter, though - like first aid kit, tents, food hanging system, sunscreen, insect repellent, and other shared items.
Jul 07, 2021 - Sri
Hi all, I have 2 questions regarding 4b
1) Does each scout doing the MB need to work with one unit/petrol? What if there are not enough units/petrols?
2) Does the scout doing the MB need to go on the actual campout with unit/petrol? Or should he just help prepare and guide them?
Jul 07, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Sri - 1) One scout could help with one campout, and another scout could help with a different campout. Two scouts could help one patrol if the merit badge counselor approves, but when a requirement is shared like that, typically one scout takes charge and the other does very little.
2) The requirement says to help set up camp, so the scout does need to go to the campout. It doesn't say the scout must camp with the patrol being assisted.
Jul 08, 2021 - Jen
requirement 9b - could one of these be requirements be met at summer camp? example: while at traditional BSA summer camp, 1) scout rappels down a man-made tower of 30 feet? or 2) scout completes a long canoe or kayak trip that is 5 or more miles long? or 3) scout hikes up a mountain with at least 1000 feet in vertical gain?
The scout can count the 6 nights (one time only) toward the 9a requirement. Can they also count that summer camp toward 9b if they do the above while at the summer camp?
Jul 08, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Jen - Yes, they can.Jul 27, 2021 - Srini
Does req 9c need to be done while camping at that facility? I find it very hard to find a conservation project at the same time we are scouting. Can we just do it as a separate event? Since the requirement says we can do it alone, i guess it is ok to do any conservation project to coverthis requirement at the scout convenience. Thanks a lot for your prompt responses
Jul 29, 2021 - Srini
Hi, i want to clarify me last question. I meant "I find it very hard to find a conservation project at the same time scouts are camping"
I would like to know if scouts can do any conservation project as part of this requirement
Aug 06, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Srini - Pretty much every place our troop has ever camped has had opportunities to do conservation work. When the person or organization that owns or manages the location where your troop wants to camp is contacted about camping there, it's very easy to ask about doing a project at the same time.
But, yes, a separate conservation project could be done.
Sep 19, 2021 - Raymond
@Srini - So the conservation project does not need to be done by the entire Troop if that does not fit with the program for your campout. There is not time requirement and Conservation could be many different things, Trail work, erosion control, Planting of Trees or other plants, Bird houses, Bat houses, etc. It just needs to be approved by the land owner's or managing organization. It could take 1 hour or the entire day. Whenever looking at requirements you should always follow the written requirements and follow the guide to safe scouting.
Oct 05, 2021 - Ray
Do you start counting campouts from the time the Camping Merit Badge Blue Card was signed? Or can you start counting campouts from the day the kid becomes a boy scout?
Oct 05, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Ray - For Camping merit badge, all campouts since the Scout joined the troop should count.Nov 18, 2021 - Bruce Weintraub
When camping at the weeklong summer camp, does sleeping in the adirondacks (3 sided wood structure) count for sleeping outdoors? What about for the snow camping experience? Also, if the Scout plans/prepares for winter camping and there is no snow on the planned weekend, would that still count for 9b(5)?
Nov 18, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Bruce - Sleeping in a pre-built, permanent, roofed structure is not sleeping in a temporary, self-erected shelter like a tent, hammock, or tarp. I would not expect a merit badge counselor to count such nights. Camping without snow is not "snow camping". Winter camping can take place in Florida, but without snow, it's not snow camping.
Nov 21, 2021 - Bruce
@scouter Paul- The scouts are planning for a trip in PA in Dec, and the long range forecast is for snow, so all planning is for snow, 20 degree weather and snow activities. So what happens if Mother Nature decides not to bless the area with snow. Does it not count and they have do a trip spontaneously if and when it does snow? I’m okay with any answer, just want specific clarification.
Nov 21, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Bruce - If I was the counselor, there would need to be snow. Camping without snow is not "snow camping".
Nov 23, 2021 - Bruce
Last question. Would sleeping on the deck at Seabase count as a camping night?Nov 23, 2021 - Scouter Paul
@Bruce - If I was the counselor, I'd not count sleeping on deck. On that boat, there is electricity, lighting, toilet, kitchen, beds, radio, and other amenities, making it more like a floating house than a camping site. Scouts have a great adventure on a boat for a week, but I couldn't call it camping. Unfortunately, I've not seen a specific mention of Sea Base boat nights from the BSA.
Jan 21, 2022 - Paul
Your interpretation of the 20 night requirement is different than mine from reading the requirements. Are you sure this is the universally understood requirement. I would have thought that it meant you can count up to 6 nights on only one campout and up to 4 nights on all the rest. If the long event is 10 nights, you count 6. If you do another long event (whether or not it has the same name), you count only 4. Can you point me to something that clarifies that your interpretation is the right one, or at least the consensus understanding? It seems odd because of the following example. Suppose a troop has gone to a 6-night scout camp already and plans another camping event. It sounds like your saying that if they plan the event for 4 nights, then the scouts can count all nights toward the camping merit badge, but if they do a five-night event, they can't count any nights toward camping. How odd.
Jan 21, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Paul - Yes, I'm sure. Please refer to the links to Bryan on Scouting in the Resources section above for BSA explanations.
Jan 22, 2022 - Paul
Thank you for the follow-up, and thanks for making this page. I do think you're misreading the requirements, or at least the intent from BSA. I guess I'll have to ask Bryan, who wrote the pages you're referencing. Those pages are 7 years old, so I'm not sure they're still active. I guess the question is, does BSA think a 5-night camping experience is less valuable than a 4-night camping experience. You're saying that once one long-term event is counted, a second camping event of 5 nights counts as 0, while 4 nights counts as 4. It's possible, but absent of some explanation, I doubt that's the intent. I think that only one campout can count for up to 6 nights, and all others are capped at 4 nights.
Jan 22, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Paul - If you find differing information from an official BSA source, I would love to hear about it. Your interpretation has come up many times and is specifically addressed by the BSA - additional long-term campouts do not count any nights at all. I do hope you contact Bryan on Scouting about it. I believe that page has definitively and clearly presented the expectations and intent of the BSA team that created the requirements - the page content was last updated in 2019.
Jan 22, 2022 - Paul
Thanks again. Forgive me for not doing enough research on this or reading these posts carefully enough. Is there a place you can point me where BSA has addressed/clarified this? The two blog posts by Bryan don't look to be on an official BSA website (I could be mistaken), so I wasn't aware of his authority on this. Is he and that posting authoritative? Is that the way BSA clarifies requirements, through Scouting Magazine? Also, I do find his statement of the requirement interpretation to be clear, but I don't find any explanation of the intent or motivation. Has anyone every explained that?
Jan 22, 2022 - Scouter Paul
Towards the bottom of that referenced page, it states "Bryan on Scouting is the official blog of Scouting magazine, a Boy Scouts of America publication." Also, on every page of there is a "© 2022, Boy Scouts of America. All rights reserved." statement. A WHOIS lookup of shows that Boy Scouts of America is the registrant of the domain name. I believe that demonstrates it is an official BSA website. The intent of requiring the majority of Camping merit badge nights being done as short-term troop outings is because short-term campouts provide variety in both preparation and experience, and the Scouts are more likely to take more responsibility for outdoor living skills.
Jan 24, 2022 - Paul
Thanks again. You've done a lot answering my questions, so I don't want to keep bugging you, but here goes one more comment. I suspected that the requirement had something to do with having a variety of experiences and multiple times planning for the experiences, as you mentioned. Capping the credit to a limited number of nights no matter how long the event actually was (my interpretation) achieves this. It's still a mystery why the BSA would want to give 0 credit if the camping experience lasts too long. Are you saying that a scout will do less planning and take less responsibility for a long experience than a short one? That's not the same as the following. It sounds like you are saying they'd do more planning and take more responsibility for 2 4-night campouts than for 1 8-night campout. I agree. That's not the question. The comparison we should be making is between 2 6-night campouts and 2 4-night campout. Why would the BSA value the latter more than the former? Also, the way you and Bryan interpret the one long experience allowance seems inconsistent. Why does the first 10-night experience count as anything? Based on how you interpret the short ones, I would expect you to eliminate any experience over the specified 6 nights, counting 0 from those (even the first one). Instead, you are applying a cap if the long experience goes too long, but you are applying disqualification if the short ones go two long. Is that idea originating from Bryan's blog post. Thanks for the info connecting BSA to Scouting Magazine. I was aware that it is run by BSA. That doesn't necessarily mean it is official information about scout requirements. Is the magazine typically used that way, or does BSA address questions about requirements in another way? Oh, and where did the 4-days clarification come from for short- term experiences? I didn't see in the merit badge document where it explained how long a short-term experience could be (but I probably just missed it).
Jan 29, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Paul - The reasoning for "WHY" a requirement exists in a merit badge can only be answered by the people that wrote the requirements. As far as I know, there are no public documents available explaining the reasons for each requirement detail. You are welcome to directly contact the BSA with merit badge requests and questions, such as redefining what is expected for requirement #9a. I would say that there is less planning and responsibility on scouts to go to summer camp or high adventure where the location, campsites, food, and agenda are set than on a troop campout where all those things are defined by the scouts. That is the typical long-term camping done by scouts. A troop-run week-long backpacking trip would require more planning, and maybe the BSA could be convinced to change the requirement wording.
Sep 20, 2022 - Mike
I have a question about requirement #3. Is this overnight “trek” a backpacking trip? For example could we have a base camp and then hike off for a one night backpacking trip (shown on the topo map) before returning to base camp?
Sep 20, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Mike - sounds good to me! The idea is that the scout is considering routes, appropriate camping location, and time and effort to reach camp. The scout planning sheet linked to above in the notes is helpful for that requirement.
Oct 24, 2022 - Roberta J Sears
Does camping overnight with your parents at a campground(like Yogi Bear campground) or in your backyard count towards the 20 nights of camping Thank you
Oct 25, 2022 - Christopher
I reviewed all the questions and answered and didn't find this question. For requirement 9a, can my scout count the nights camped for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class rank advancement for the camping merit badge? For each of these ranks he spent a weekend campout with the troop (2 nights each). Can he include these six nights in his camping merit badge 9a requirement?
Oct 25, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@Christopher - Any night camped outdoors as specified in the requirement 9a on weekend campouts with the troop can count. It's ok if he also used them for advancement requirements.
Nov 12, 2022 - John Weiler
Just a quick rookie question. First Class requires 10 Scout outings. Many of ours are camping. Can these count towards camping merit badge or do they need to be in addition to. Cooking makes this clarification but camping does not seem to.
Nov 12, 2022 - Scouter Paul
@John - If by "ours" you mean your troop's, then Yes those campouts count. If by "ours" you mean your family or something other than the troop, then No. So, a scout can count a troop weekend campout for both rank advancement and the Camping merit badge.
Dec 02, 2022 - Mark Smith
Question about Requirement #3. The requirement says 'Make a written plan* for an overnight trek and show how to get to your camping spot using a topographical map.' Can this be an electronic map, or must it be a physical (paper) topo map?
Jan 08, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Mark - A topo map displayed on a computer screen is still a topo map, so either could be used. Showing how to get from one spot to another on a map displayed on a very small screen might be very difficult, without being able to see alternative routes to consider.
Mar 28, 2023 - Cathy Laresch
For requirement 9a, do camping weekends from previous years count towards this requirement even if you had not started this particular merit badge until this year?
Mar 28, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Cathy - Yes, they may. Please read the Brian on Scouting blog posts referenced in the "Resources" section above. One states - "All campouts since becoming a Scout may count toward this requirement. In other words, Scouts don't need a blue card for the Camping merit badge before they may begin counting these nights. Any nights as a Scouts BSA member are eligible."
Apr 13, 2023 - Michelle D
Can First class requirement 2E satisfy camping 8D? Additionally, can other rank requirements from Tenderfoot and Second class satisfy some of the camping requirements?
Apr 13, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Michelle - Yes, If the meals and planning meet the requirements 8C and 8D, and First Class 2A and 2E, then it's up to the scout's merit badge counselor to accept them or not. I would be more inclined to accept them if the scout told me they were combining the requirements beforehand. Trying to back-fit previous work into a new requirement often doesn't line up close enough. If rank requirements identically match merit badge requirements, they can be used unless a merit badge or rank specifically denies it.
Apr 23, 2024 - Liz
When does the clock start? Is it from the time the scout joins? Or is it from the time the scout expresses an interest in the merit badge and pulls a blue card? Thank you!
Apr 23, 2024 - Scouter Paul
@Liz - "the clock"? Not sure what you're asking since there is no time restraint on any of the requirements. But, if you are talking about the nights of camping for 9a, then all nights that meet the requirement description since the scout joined a troop can be counted.