
Every rental manager likes their own forms. What's offered here is a complete set of landlord forms that you can modify. These forms are a good starting place for Massachusetts rental real estate.

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Disclaimer: The content and materials provided on this site are meant to be for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this site is meant to act as legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Much of the content is provided by third-parties and is not vetted by MassLandlords. We advise you contact an attorney.

Which of these Landlord Forms do I Need?

Imagine your business is a "process" for providing temporary housing. The process has different steps:

  1. Screen the prospective tenants before you give a tour.
  2. Screen the prospective tenants before you sign an agreement.
  3. Sign an agreement before you hand over the keys.
  4. Operate the apartment.
  5. Help the tenants leave your property.
  6. Return their security deposit and file their records.

The Complete Set of Massachusetts Landlord Forms

Step One: Screening

Step Two: Applications