Project 2025 Blueprint Also Includes Draconian Cuts to Medicaid

Last year, conservative organizations led by the Heritage Foundation unveiled a “Project 2025” policy agenda for a potential second term of the Trump Administration. While the overall Project 2025 plan has received growing media attention in recent weeks, its proposals to radically restructure and deeply cut Medicaid have largely flown under the radar. While lacking in any detail, the Project 2025 Medicaid proposals would generally mirror those included in the Republican Study Committee (RSC) fiscal year 2025 budget plan released in March, on which I have previously written.

How would the Project 2025 plan cut Medicaid?

With such drastic cuts in federal funding — along with restrictions on how states can finance their share of Medicaid costs — states would face a massive cost-shift from the federal government for their Medicaid programs. They would have no choice but to institute truly draconian cuts to eligibility, benefits and provider reimbursement rates. Such cuts would be furthered by the dramatic rollback of existing federal beneficiary protections and requirements, including those related to benefits and cost-sharing. This, in turn, would likely drive tens of millions into the ranks of the uninsured and underinsured and severely reduce access to health care and long-term services and supports needed by low-income children, families, seniors, people with disabilities and other adults. Moreover, because Medicaid is the largest source of federal funding for states, capping Medicaid would also likely lead to deep, damaging budget cuts to other state spending like for K-12 education.