How to obtain electricity or water connection from DEWA?

DEWA is all in one stop for accessing electricity or water connection. Permit to the unavoidable essentials can be done smoothly if you follow the instructions. We provide water or electricity connection for numerous clients for projects.

How to apply for accessing electricity or water connection?

Let us educate you with the simple steps on the application.

•The submission for getting the electricity/ water connection in Dubai can be done through the ‘One Window System’. This is an E-service. Please develop a user ID and password for the account entry.

•The clients after completing the first step can move on with filling in the required details correctly. After that upload the filled up application and documents to the site.

•After the application, DEWA starts to examine the documents for further process of approval.

Then DEWA prepares for estimation/ connection charges. This is followed by field inspection etc.

• Kindly note that the fieldwork is only executed after the payment of estimate/ connection charges.

• Our clients can track the updates through the ‘One Window System ‘. They can upload extra important documents, download the approved papers, project status notification for the technical inspection through the above said ‘One Window System’.

Do I need to pay fees for applications?

No, the application is free of charge whereas the services may be charged.

The delivery period for the services

LV design approval

• It takes one full working day for a load from 1- 150 kW

•It takes two full working days for a load from 151-400 kW.

•It takes three full working days for a load from 401 – 5000 kW

• It also takes three full working days for a load from 5001 kW and above.

Issuance of the connection cost

• It takes one full working day for a load from 1 to 150 kW

• It takes three full working days for a load from 151 to 400 kW.

•It takes three full working days for a load of above 400 kW.

Details about LV inspection

•LV inspection for load from 1-150 kW is accomplished in one working day from the date chosen by the rightful electrical contractor for the project.

• LV inspection for load from 150 kW above is done in two working days from the duration chosen by the rightful electrical contractors for the project.

HV Substation

• If there is any approval of size and location then it will be done by three working days.

• If there is any HV Substation inquiry, then it will be done by one working day from the date selected by the rightful electrical contractors for the plan.

How to do Online Application Submission

Online application submission is reasonably easy and simple. All you have to do is to fill in the form given to you. Attach the mandatory documents along with distinct information and submit. Finally, a reference number is given to you. For instance, the reference number for the electricity request will be E-xxxxxx and the reference number for the water request will be W-xxxxxx. It is as simple as that.

Significant details you should know about water connection

Do you know that there are types of water connection services from us? Firstly, A place in which a single meter comprises. These are known as Single. For example, a villa, hotel, building, etc. Secondly, The property in which more than one meter contains is called Multi. For example, building an apartment. Thirdly, A property that has more than one meter within the region. This is known as Development. For example, Emaar developments, DAMAC, etc.

Now let’s move on to the water connection categories. Four types of connection support are provided. A temporary connection is a temporary service for construction goals. A permanent connection is the next option. Upgradation is for the raised water needs. Finally, diversion service for shifting pipeline or meter.

Essential documents for water connection

These documents are needed to complete the approval process of the water connection.

1) Firstly, the document of the proposed location of meters and sub-meters is required.

2) Carefully drafted layout drawing is needed which indicates the plumbing system of the floor planning.

3)Provide us a document on water storage tank details that includes drawing intel level, capacity, and location.

4)We ask you to submit green building regulation implementation documents. It is expected to be in pdf format only.

5) Papers on-premise details sheet is necessary. It should also be delivered in .xls or .doc format.

6)Another vital document to be submitted in .xls or .doc format is the meter requirement details.

7) A clear document on the site plan is mandatory in pdf format

8) Final required document is the total calculation for water consumption. This should be in pdf format per building code and accommodation.

Essential Documents for Electricity Connection

The documents given down are vital for the connection of electricity.

1) First and foremost, a report on total connected load /max demand schedule in pdf format.

2) Perfect report that shows MDBs/ SMDBs schedules in pdf format.

3) Another document with information on Single Line Diagram with proposed LV distribution and tariff metering in dwf format.

4)A report on affection plan in pdf format.

5) You will need to submit a clear cut document on the typical load distribution schedule for the final distribution board in pdf format.

6) A layout of site setting and ground floor plan indicating the location of substation, LV room in dwf format is a fundamental submission. The dimension details of LV room, arrangements of LV panels, MDBs, KW meters, etc.

7) A document on the ground floor or normal floor plan demonstrating the location of electric rooms/ MDBs/SMDBs etc in def format.

8) Finally, general arrangements of KWh meters in the ground and /or typical floor electrical rooms in dwf layout.

Documents that are optional for electricity connection

• A report on green building regulations implementation in pdf format only.

•Another optional document is the technical specifications of chiller/ motor loads and other documents in pdf format.

• Premise details sheet in .xls or .doc format.

•Followed by material requirements details in .xls/.doc format.

•Document on DM Approved Thermal Load Calculation sheet is optional.

•You can also provide consultant confirmation letter in Dewas prescribed format in pdf format.

Application Tracking, Revision and Delivery

After the application, the client will get an SMS and Email notifications on the progress. The notification and status can also be tracked through their E-services. With the help of the revision option, the electricity application can be revised once the estimate is issued to the customer.

A notification is sent via SMS or email to the customers after the technical documents are proven worthy. The estimate will be issued by DEWA. Finally, a notification will be sent through the website informing about the further procedure for technical inspection requirements to release power and water connection.